Friday, October 25, 2013

The Problem With Stein-Leventhal,

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it so seriously." ~Hunter S. Thompson

So yesterday, I had a doctor's appointment regarding the progress of my Stein-Leventhal.  I'm just gonna come clean with y'all and say that it definitely wasn't the news I was looking for.  I haven't gotten any better since last year, only worse.  But I know that I have an awesome team.  I have a doctor solely specializing in natural treatments and supplements.  I have a primary care physician who's been with me all my life.  I have finally come to realize that there are many people in my life that would back me up in a heartbeat. I've got Jesus Christ, who looks fear in the face and swats it away like it's a little fly.  Stein-Leventhal may have won the fight today, but in the end, I will win the war.  Mark my words.

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